We believe the ocean is the hero of our story – to boost biodiversity, support local communities, and reverse climate change.
To help enable these superpowers, our programs work to plant, protect, and restore coastal ecosystems, while also activating people to live a more sustainable, ocean positive life.
SeaTrees makes it easy for anyone who cares about the ocean (don’t we all) to directly support communities planting and protecting blue-carbon coastal ecosystems. The most effective way to suck carbon out of the atmosphere - Period.
The Ecoboard Project is designed to help individuals choose a high-performance sustainable surfboard made with the latest advancements in green chemistry and renewable materials, that can dramatically reduce the surfboard’s environmental and toxic impact on the environment.
An Ocean Positive brand takes action NOW to sequester more carbon emissions than they create. Our latest verification for brands having a positive impact on the ocean and the life it supports.
We believe that the key to solving most environmental problems, including climate change, is for individuals & organizations to begin making sustainable choices in their everyday lives that are engaging, cost effective, fulfilling – and yes, even fun.